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California Biochar Greenhouse Gas Offset Protocol–Open for Public Comment

Published: September 17, 2014 by Editorial Team

Along with partners the Prasino Group, the International Biochar Initiative, and Placer County, CA, The Climate Trust has been working to develop a biochar protocol compliant with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This protocol has been modified from the Emissions Reductions from Biochar Projects methodology that is currently under consideration by the American Carbon Registry as an international carbon offset methodology.

The California draft protocol is open for public comment until October 9, 2014. Visit Placer County Air Pollution Control District to review the Introductory Webinar, PowerPoint Presentation, Draft Protocol and California Protocol Requirements. Please submit comments to

Once public comments are addressed, the protocol will undergo the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) approval process for greenhouse gas protocols in California.