Oregon Clean Fuels Program, A Reality
The Climate Trust went into celebration mode as Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, officially signed the Oregon Clean Fuels Program into law. The Clean Fuels Program is intended to reduce the carbon content of transportation fuels used in the state—thereby trimming the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.
“Oregon and the West continue to lead the way with policies that reduce pollution and secure a healthier future for all,” said Sean Penrith, Executive Director for The Climate Trust.
“The prospect of incentivizing innovative technologies for the production of low-carbon fuels, such as the installation of anerobic digesters at dairies, is exciting,” said Peter Weisberg, Program Manager for The Climate Trust. “In the long term, these types of technologies can save consumers money on fuels and give them a broader array of fuel choices at the pump.”
“Governor Brown has demonstrated leadership by supporting a bill that puts Oregonians first—preserving the quality of air we breathe and preserving Oregon as a great place to live, work and play outside,” said Liz Hardee, Senior Analyst for The Climate Trust.
Brown has a long history of supporting climate-related legislation. In a signing statement, she reiterated the need to act on emissions now.
“I strongly support SB 324’s goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is difficult to deny that we are seeing the effects of a warming planet,” she said.
“This year, 85 percent of our state is experiencing drought, with 33 percent experiencing extreme drought. This directly impacts 1.5 million Oregonians, hitting our rural communities the hardest. With California, Washington, and British Columbia moving forward with their own clean fuels programs, which will shape the West Coast market, it is imperative not only that Oregon does its part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also that we build a program that meets the needs of Oregonians.
“I appreciate the years of work by countless Oregonians who helped develop this law, and I applaud the Oregon Legislature for its thorough examination of these issues. The work begins now to ensure this program is well implemented and well managed.”
With one move, the State of Oregon took a stand against climate change, and we now look to our neighbors to the north to follow suit with their own clean fuels standard.