The Climate Trust Partners to Create the Avoided Conversion of Grassland and Shrubland to Crop Production Methodology
The Climate Trust partnered with five esteemed organizations to develop the groundbreaking Avoided Conversion of Grasslands and Shrublands to Cropland Production Methodology, which was approved by the American Carbon Registry in October 2013. This methodology estimates the emissions avoided from preventing the conversion of grasslands and shrublands to crop production. In addition, it provides a way to quantify greenhouse gas sequestration, verification and certification of carbon credits.
Grassland and shrubland soils are significant reservoirs of organic carbon that left uncultivated (untilled and undisturbed), will continue to store this carbon below ground, a type of carbon sequestration. By leaving the grasslands/Shrublands undisturbed we avoid releasing significant amounts of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. Fertilizer applications, which can result in nitrous oxide emissions (another very potent greenhouse gas), as well as ground water pollution. Livestock grazing is allowable under this methodology and the associated emissions from enteric fermentation and manure deposition are accounted for.
[button url=”https://climatetrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/USDAPartnershipCelebratesACoGSMethodologyandConservationProject.pdf” color=”yellow” target=”_blank”]View methodology & partnership info[/button]