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Our 2014 Donors Made all the Difference. Thank You!

Published: January 16, 2015 by Editorial Team

We gratefully acknowledge gifts received from the following valued donors in 2014. Our elite Leadership Circle is made up of individuals who contribute $250 or more, and organizations that contribute $1,000 or more to support The Climate Trust. Foundations have been vital in providing generous grants to support special initiatives; the real cornerstone of our sustainability efforts.

Thank you to our current donors and those who have contributed in the past. Your passion and energy make all the difference in developing critical climate change solutions!


Individuals $250+ | Organizations $1,000+
Rolf Anderson
Laura Beane
Bill Noellert
John Schlinke
Mike Stuart
Anonymous via Schwab Charitable Fund
Anonymous via United Way
Sam Wheeler Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Philanthropic Support
The M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Hess Corporation
bluemoon fund
The Fertilizer Institute